Support the mental and physical wellbeing of children, young people and their families in Gloucestershire
ViParent’s Raise Money

ViParent’s did both themselves and YG proud recently when they took on the challenge to fundraise for 2 charities

4 August 2015


ViParent’s did both themselves and Young Gloucestershire proud recently when they took on the challenge to fundraise for two charities that have provided them with support.


The idea to take on such a task came during discussions at the weekly group sessions, the young parent’s recognised that a number of them had been supported by local charity SCOO-B-DOO, the special care baby unit at Gloucester Royal Hospital and felt compelled to not only acknowledge this support but give back and say thank you. In addition, one of the babies that attend the group has cystic fibrosis and the support provided by the Cystic Fibrosis Trust has been invaluable to his parents.


With this in mind it was an easy choice for the group as to who they wanted to fundraise for, next was mind mapping ideas of how to raise money.


The young parents came up with numerous ways in which they could do this, but ultimately they knew the event had to appeal to both adults and young children alike, from this the idea of a coffee morning, raffle and toddler disco emerged.


Once plans were in place the hard work started, designing and making raffle tickets, contacting local businesses for prizes of which they managed to secure over 50! cake donations and securing both a disco and visit from the Little Mermaid.


The young parents worked tirelessly to make the event a success, selling tickets to as many people as possible and even managing to get an interview live on the Claire Carter show on BBC Radio Gloucestershire to advertise not only the event but also increase awareness of the group.


The event itself was a huge success with lots of people attending including a number of partner organisations and of course lots of children. Cake was consumed, dance moves thrown, raffle prizes drawn and most importantly money raised, in total £332.13.


The group and I would like to thank everyone that supported us and made it happen but special thanks to Bob Granville at Tesco at St. Oswolds, Sunshine Discos and Enchanted Story Book Parties without these guys the event would not have happened.


Finally I would like to thank each and every young parent that got involved; I am extremely proud of you all and know that this is just a drop in the ocean of what you can achieve.

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