It has been particularly busy of late so I thought I would take a breather and reflect on a day in the life of a CEO to give you an idea of what sort of things I get up to:


Today started with some preparation for a meeting I have later today with the Commercial Group. We are looking at creating work opportunities for young people with training attached. It’s an innovative project and will give some real opportunities to young people in Gloucestershire.


Second on the agenda today was meeting with a potential new trustee. YG has seven dedicated trustees with a range of skillsets and knowledge including: commercial, HR, property, youth work and legal. We, however. currently have a gap in knowledge around post 16 education and are seeking to welcome another trustee. I am hopeful after today’s meeting we might have found the right person.


Next on the agenda for the day is a good part of the job and that is to confirm appointments to Young Gloucestershire. We have recently secured new work to deliver NCS; this is a programme designed to encourage 16 and 17 years olds to get involved in social action in their communities. Young Gloucestershire will be working with 255 young people this summer on this programme. We have therefore been recruiting new programme leaders to work on this and our other development programmes such as Prince’s Trust Team.  We will be recruiting for an administrator for this project later on in the week also.


There was just time to grab some lunch before my meeting with Commercial Group. We spent the afternoon exploring options and opportunities. We are planning a focus group with young people to test our ideas and creating a proposal to present next week for the project.


That left just enough time to check in with the team who had delivered the NCS presentation’s in local schools this morning to see how it went.


I think it is hard to say what is an average day in the life of a CEO but what it always involves is young people, YG staff members, partners and agencies and money. A lot of my time is spent looking at the future and what is next for YG and I am currently excited by some of the projects that we are starting to explore developing with other organisations. Watch this space for more information…