Read how Jack pulled himself back from the edge.
“I stumbled across YG’s drop-in centre. The staff there made me feel like I mattered. For a long time they were trying to find ways to help me, they never gave up. However, things had to get a lot worse before they could get better. In the space of a year, I lost my step dad, my best friend, my mum and my dog. There is nothing like watching the people you love die to teach you not to take your life for granted.
“The staff at YG were there every step of the way. I completed one of their development courses and I have been fighting every day to make the ones I love proud. As part of the course, we completed a community project in a care home. It really helped me find my calling in life. With the help of YG staff, I now have a full time job as a Care Worker. Having been signed off work permanently because of my mental health, I am now looking forward to training in a career where I can help others.
“I cannot stress enough how brilliant the staff at YG are and how with their support I have turned my life around. I genuinely didn’t think I would see my 21st birthday but here I am and I know my friend and my mum would be so pleased to see I’m still here and I’m happy.”
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