Our Stories
No one can better explain the impact of our work than the young people themselves. Read their stories and share in their achievements.
Click on the images below to read the full story of inspiring young people.
Riley came to YG after engaging in anti-social behaviour.

Tommy was struggling with feelings of anger.

Paul’s Journey to Being an Inspirational YG Mentor

Bart learnt to be more independent and sociable.

Kira’s Mental Health Was Supported Post-Hospitalization.

Finlay, From Unemployment to Embracing New Opportunities.

Lauren felt alone and had no one to support her.

Pippa gained back the confidence she had lost.

Issis’ came to Young Gloucestershire looking for help.

Harry was at a loss of where to go and what to do next.

Kate had been struggling to understand herself.

Millie was experiencing lots of difficult changes in her life.