Louise struggled with anxiety and felt angry that no one could help her.
“I have always been a shy person. I remember hiding behind my dad’s legs as a kid. But when I started secondary school that’s when my anxiety really started. It was such a big change. A massive school with big classes, so much noise and lots of pressure. I struggled through secondary school. I didn’t really enjoy any of it and by the time I got to my GCSE’s I was probably only attending 40 or 50% of the time.
“My mum was so frustrated and angry when I would refuse to go to school. The school didn’t really help me much. They had one counsellor to help everyone. I lost friends and drifted away from people. No one could understand my anxiety. I tried to get support through other places but I wasn’t seen to be bad enough even though my anxiety cost me most of my GCSE’s.
“It was a friend who had worked with YG that put me onto them. I worked with one of their Mental Health Youth Workers. She worked with me for about six months, meeting every week we would talk about all sorts. It was so lush to have someone who really cared about me and wanted to listen. YG are so supportive and kind. They don’t judge you about anything.
“YG helped me work through traumatic events, practise breathing techniques and mindfulness and think about my future. I hadn’t realised how angry I had been at everyone for not helping me. It felt so good to let it all out and talk it through with someone who was separate from school and my family.
“With YG’s help I have started a college course at Bridge Training. The course is so much better suited to my way of learning and I have already made friends who understand where I’m coming from. Before working with YG I wouldn’t have been able to speak up, I could barely make eye contact with someone I didn’t know. Now I am being moved up a level on my course because I am doing so well. That has never happened to me before and I feel really proud of myself. I could not have done it without YG’s help.”
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