After a traumatic family event, Harry was at a loss of where to go and what to do next.
“After I finished college, I didn’t know what to do. I spent about two years job searching with no results. In the end, my uncle gave me an opportunity to work with him fitting kitchens. Although it was great, it was quite lonely as I would have to stay away for weeks at a time and I still wasn’t making many friends. I was always shy at school, I barely spoke through the whole of secondary school and missed lots due to additional learning needs.”
“I come from a big family – with 12 brothers and sisters and we have a very complicated family history. It was difficult with my dad for a long time. We had to go through a lengthy court case for about six years in order to make sure my family was safe from him. That court case was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, it was all consuming. When it ended, we were relieved but at the same time, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I was at a loss of where to go and felt useless. My life became very dull and pointless.”
“It was my girlfriend who suggested Young Gloucestershire – she had done a programme with them and I have seen her change so much for the better. I was really nervous but I was amazed at how quickly everyone came together and made friends. The staff at YG were great and really helped bring me out of my shell. It was a relief to wake up everyday with a purpose. To have people to speak to. Working with YG has given me a new energy and a new outlook on life. It has been so rewarding being around likeminded people. My confidence has grown so much.”
“They have also helped me practically, by setting up a bank account and looking at what benefits could help me, all life skills that I missed out on at school. I am looking forward to seeing what’s next for me and exploring job opportunities that could give me a chance to be more independent and also help keep my mind busy and engaged.”
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