Jazz was pregnant at 17, YG helped her plan for the future.
“I had no idea how to react; tears, sickness, denial. I don’t think I fully accepted there was a baby inside me until close to 9 months later.
“My background had been a little unusual. I was off school a lot with family counselling, therapy and sickness. I was working in a café when I found out I was pregnant. Those 9 months were the scariest time of my life.
“It was my boyfriend Adam that told me about the ViParent’s group at YG. I openly admit I thought I was better than everyone else, I didn’t see myself going to a young parent’s group but I was wrong. Everyone was really welcoming; the ViParents group has changed my life, they have helped me with parenting skills and training. I have met other young parents and given Max a safe space to interact. Coming to the group has brought focus and consistency into my life.