Support the mental and physical wellbeing of children, young people and their families in Gloucestershire


Jazz was pregnant at 17, YG helped her plan for the future.

“I had no idea how to react; tears, sickness, denial. I don’t think I fully accepted there was a baby inside me until close to 9 months later.

“My background had been a little unusual. I was off school a lot with family counselling, therapy and sickness. I was working in a café when I found out I was pregnant. Those 9 months were the scariest time of my life.

“It was my boyfriend Adam that told me about the ViParent’s group at YG. I openly admit I thought I was better than everyone else, I didn’t see myself going to a young parent’s group but I was wrong. Everyone was really welcoming; the ViParents group has changed my life, they have helped me with parenting skills and training. I have met other young parents and given Max a safe space to interact. Coming to the group has brought focus and consistency into my life.

“Being a young mum unexpectedly is scary, challenging, expensive and emotional but has also been the most rewarding experience. The ViP’s group has helped me map out a path for the future. I have been accepted on to an Access to Healthcare course at Gloucestershire College and for the first time I am excited about the future, mine and my family’s.”

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