Aaron’s Mentor helped him through the toughest time in his life
“I was in a really dark place. I had no confidence, was self-conscious, unmotivated and I lost two stone in weight through stress and depression. I ended up in hospital being drip-fed.
“Released from hospital and still struggling to walk after physiotherapy, I just stayed at home, I couldn’t face anyone. Until I found myself in The Link. I was offered a Mentor and I can honestly say the relationship has changed my life. My Mentor made it easy for me to open up and talk to her. Together we worked on my CV, found a volunteering placement and started to rebuild my self-confidence. My mentor was an inspiration to me through the toughest time in my life. It felt like I was in a hole and she gave me a ladder to climb out.
“I know I can’t join the RAF, but I’m walking, I’m positive, happy and driven. I’m doing sports again, with an aim to enter the Paralympics. I’m seeing my friends and family and I’ve been volunteering full time for several months. I have received an award for my dedication to helping others with disabilities and I am also an ambassador for Gloucester Rugby. I have come so far since my accident, my life’s back on track and a lot of that is thanks to the support of YG and my Mentor.”
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