“It’s finally 2018! And the question is, what am I looking forward to the most? Well, I am looking forward to smashing summer 18’ with the NCS team! 2018 has only just begun and we have already nearly reached our target signups. If this isn’t the most amazing achievement, I don’t know what is. I am incredibly lucky to have scored my dream job with the most amazing charity and work alongside the most incredible team. I am 4/5 months into this job and I love it more each day. They do say, choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life. The support, the encouragement, the praise and the team work from Young Gloucestershire is truly amazing.


“Not only did I score this incredible job, I also achieved something I thought was impossible. I passed my driving test! Anyone who knows me would know how much anxiety driving causes me and that I had convinced myself that I was just not born to drive. Well, it turns out it was not impossible and that I was born to drive because in of January I heard the words “I am pleased to tell you that you’ve passed.” Just goes to show, that what you want won’t always come easy, but if you work hard and don’t give up you will get there. Ok, so good luck comes in three’s right? It sure does. In just over two weeks I will be moving into my first home with my partner. I can actually say that at “21” I own a house. How incredible (and grown up) is that? Well I couldn’t be more excited. I am the happiest I’ve been in years.


“For once I can say, life is going my way.”


It’s great to hear YG staff so happy. If you fancy joining the team we have a number of vacancies available at the moment. Check out our jobs page.