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NCS Graduation Blog Part One

Lucy is back, and this time she’s sharing her experience of NCS Grad day!

30 September 2016


Hello to you reading this… I hope you’ve had a great day! I wanted to take the time now before I sleep to talk about graduation.


So..It’s only two days until I see my NCS squad there again! Team banter-scream. All of us together again. Finally. I am literally so happy and cannot believe that Beth our leader nominated me and Becky to do the speech. I hope we do her so proud! I actually really enjoyed spending my free lessons at school writing it. It took a while to perfect (because it obviously HAS to be perfect) but as soon as I was happy with it, I sent it straight off with huge excitement! I’m pretty nervous but also ridiculously excited to read it. I guess it’s another thing that will help me raise my confidence (not that I’m not already WAY more confident than before the programme).


Right now, I’m actually talking to my NCS pal Amber who I’m pretty sure has been mentioned in previous posts. I’m literally flicking backwards and forwards from this to messenger. It’s so great to be able to use social media to connect with them when we’re so far apart at the moment.


Anyway. It took two weekends to find the perfect outfit. I think me and my mum went in every shop name you’ll ever find in England! Originally, I thought of getting a dress but no shops had my size or ones I was particularly keen on but then FINALLY… I found something really nice! I’ll have to keep it a surprise though. Or try anyway!

In the process, I actually met up with one of my friends, Ceren (who again I think I’ve mentioned) as she was in Gloucester too. We went to the Sahara Lounge where we did our open mic night for our social action project and had a drink and a little sit down and catch up. It was great to see her again! And I’m really looking forward to seeing EVERYONE soon.


Hopefully I don’t cry for 5 hours like I did on the last day (expect I just know I will. I guarantee!) I’ll have to make sure I bring some tissues to make sure I don’t flood the graduation hall that would be a bit awkward…. But yeah.


See you in my next post which will be all about graduation! (Obviously)


Bye for now


Peace out Lucy x

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