Support the mental and physical wellbeing of children, young people and their families in Gloucestershire
Michelle Talks About Her NCS Team

Michelle was running NCS over the summer and looks forward to a new role.

7 December 2015


I have been working with the NCS team for nearly 5 months now. I started in the summer when all the NCS delivery was taking place. I ran my own NCS team and had a complete blast. My highlights were watching the young people change through the programme. They achieved a lot including the social action project.  They set themselves a challenge to raise funding and the paint a community outside space to brighten up the area, they did a fantastic job.


My role since the summer finished has been more office focused. I am working on recruiting young people for NCS for autumn, spring and summer programmes that are coming up. This has involved going to schools to deliver presentations at assemblies, talking to students and parents at careers fayres and open evenings, staffing recruitment stand in the Eastgate Centre. In addition to this we operate a call centre most evenings talking to young people who have shown interest in the programme and ensuring they have all the information to sign up to the programme.


I have definitely found the most fulfilling tasks are the ones where I get to get out of the office, meet people and tell them all about the NCS Programme. The programme is great and those that have done it before that I speak to give really good feedback.  It’s been great to play a part in such a positive programme and be part of such a great team.


In January I will be moving roles focusing on supporting unemployed young people into work through mentoring.  I’ll miss the NCS team, but I’m not going far and will hopefully still get to be involved and deliver some of the future NCS programmes.

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