Support the mental and physical wellbeing of young people and their families in Gloucestershire
Ione is Temporarily Saying Farewell

Ione Sime is embarking on her next big challenge on being a mum and talks about her work at YG so far.

14 March 2016


The time has finally arrived when I say a temporarily farewell to my wonderful colleagues, mentors and young people at YG and embark on the next big challenge in my life…being a mummy. I would say that my emotions are fairly mixed about my departure. On the one hand I couldn’t be more excited about the journey ahead, and bringing a beautiful baby into the world. On the other hand, I will be letting go of my first baby, the mentoring project, passing the baton to the wonderful Michelle and Hannah, who will be looking after everything in my absence.


The past two years have been a whirlwind, but a key achievement for the project has been the difference volunteers have made to the lives of young people in the county. The one thing that sticks out for me above everything else is just how much knowledge, guidance, and genuine positivity our volunteers bring to the lives of young people. Furthermore, young people have really relished the opportunity to gain that expert information from their mentors and have made significant steps towards achieving their dreams. It has been a pleasure for me to be able to be a part of bridging that gap. Not just helping young people to get any job, but helping young people to raise their aspirations, and really reach for the stars as far as their lives are concerned. I am so excited to watch the project grow from strength to strength in the next 9 months, albeit from a far……with a baby in one arm…. and probably a cup of tea in the other!


Another real positive of the last 12 months for me has been the work we have delivered in Tewkesbury School. This project focusses on delivering risk sessions around topics like sexual health and alcohol. The young people involved have been a dream to work with and always engage so well in the sessions. The school has been a huge support in these sessions and I always look forward to Friday mornings as a result. The irony of delivering sessions on contraception whilst heavily pregnant was certainly not lost on the students! I know this great work will also continue in my absence and I look forward to hearing how everyone at Tewkesbury is getting on while I am away.


I guess overall I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has been involved in the projects. Mentors, mentees, councillors, students, our board of trustees and of course my wonderful colleagues who have been extremely supportive over the past 9 months. Goodbye for now to everyone, I am excited to come back to see how everything is getting on in a few months, and to introduce baby YG to the world.

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